For the past three years at Kami we have poured our blood, sweat and tears into building a thriving security camera business that keeps five million consumers and their families safe in their homes. During that time we introduced 10 new products, established a company headquarters in San Jose, California, expanded our team to more than 50 employees and gained deep insight into AI. We’ve learned a lot about our strengths, solidified our values as a company and we’re ready to grow. That is why we have shifted our focus to working directly with businesses to extend the reach of our edge-based, vision AI technology to improve the lives of more people.
With any growth, we must leave behind a world that is familiar and comfortable to run towards a big, shiny opportunity. These are the reasons we are divesting out of the hardware business, but remain close friends.
We know our strength is in software development.
Our vision is to democratize AI and one way we can do this is by partnering with those we once considered competitors. We collaborate as partners with IP camera OEMs, rather than compete with them, giving us flexibility and opportunity to address multiple verticals.
Increased agility promotes longevity
A business is a living organism that needs space to breathe and grow. Like any living being, maintaining high levels of flexibility can have a favorable influence on longevity. Coming out of the hardware space makes our company lighter, more agile and flexible to expand and pivot as the world changes.
Expanded reach = More AI for good
By building a platform that is hardware nd AI model agnostic, we can address many verticals like healthcare, security, industrial automation and retail to name a few. Each industry has different hardware needs, but their software requirements are consistent — AI vision analytics model management, cloud storage, notifications, user management, search and camera management are common across the board.
Recently someone asked me what my ideal job is. I said I love technology and love to help people so I would like to do something where technology can help the masses lead better lives. As an individual, I know my reach is limited, but with the use of technology, millions of people can benefit. As CEO of a computer vision company I see that this technology can solve many problems in the world and I’m driven by that desire to positively impact more people.
Vision AI can be used to alert people in distress during emergencies, improve food quality and reduce waste and bring peace of mind to people living far away from loved ones. This is why I feel fortunate to lead the journey at Kami Vision and make AI vision technology accessible to all.
Thank you to all our consumers for their support and rest assured nothing will change with your Kami home security product experience– we have the ultimate trust in our hardware partners. And a huge kudos to the team who has been working tirelessly to bring Kami Vision to the world.